Sunday, January 22, 2012

No Coal Mine

Yesterday over 400 people from my community and folks from other west-coast communities gathered together in Buckley Bay (across from Denman Island) to stand up against the proposed (and apparently government supported) Raven Coal Mine, being planned to go in very close to our home.  There are so many devastating effects expected if the coal-mine goes ahead.  I am nervous because it most often seems like our voices are not being heard. Christy Clark, the premier of BC and Stephen Harper are both behind the project and seem unwilling to hear the cries of the people (Harper calls us “radicals”) who live in the area and will be most directly affected.

I am, however, hopeful because my community is not backing down for a moment, and proud of the fervour with which they/we are willing to fight this thing.

Last year there was a public hearing in Union Bay with representatives from Compliance Energy including the CEO, representatives from the provincial and federal government and many people from the community.  It was a very exciting event. The government-hired (frazzled, fuming and belittling) moderator had a very hard time keeping the room under tight control as so many people wanted to have their concerns and comments heard in full, without interruption, and were not willing to back down. The event began at 7 and went until after midnight. 

What was most amazing was the vast array of arguments from people in so many different kinds of expertise, generations, and investments in the land.  We heard the emotional pleadings from owners of Oyster Farms who knew their businesses and livelihoods would be destroyed in the wake of a coal mine.  Biologists stood up with scientific knowledge and advice, elderly citizens stood up and raged against the condescending reps on stage. Retired English professors and back-to-the-land anarchists, young children, worried parents, nature and sport enthusiasts… everyone had something different and important to say.  It was very touching. I don’t know how the Compliance Energy reps didn’t burst into tears and throw in the towel.  The CEO was so emotionless (the only thing close to feeling he showed was annoyance toward the end of the night) that I think it would be easy to label him a sociopath. 

It was great to see many more people out for the rally on Saturday; some great speakers who really knew their stuff and a lot of creative individuals with costumes and signs. 

Bad ass! - Coal Watch - About/Against the Raven Coal Mine

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics, Ashlea! May I post on our blog eventually?? Finally have the power back on here so I can start to organize all the photos!! Just checking on line now to see what kind of coverage is out there from Saturday and stumbled across yer blog! :) -Fireweed

    Also just found this:


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